» The Get Geese Guarantee!!

» Terms of Bookings

» Fees for Bookings

Contact us for
dates and pit availability at
info@oklahomagame.com or at 1 (580) 924-4455

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Terms of Get Geese Guarantee:

In the event that no geese are taken by any of the parties in the field on the day of a hunt, any person booked, fully paid and in attendance on the day of the hunt may book another hunt for a fee equal to 50% of the regular booking rate for the time of the replacement hunt.

The replacement hunt option must be exercised within the same hunting season as the original hunt; the replacement hunt option is subject to availability.

OklahomaGame.com - Your Online Source for Hunting in Oklahoma.
Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved.
E-mail - info@oklahomagame.com
Phone - 1 (580) 924-4455
